Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our first annual Easter egg hunt with the Eid & Hart family


Aunt Jen making the boys pose for a picture.

I found one!

OK, let me get this straight. Basket, check.

Umm, what am I looking for again?

Oh! Find the eggs. I think there is one around here, somewhere?

It doesn't get any cuter than this.

Easter morning

Hmm, what's this?

This looks like something Gigi eats at every holiday. I'll have this!

I know you'll approve, Gigi. That's your girl, huh?

My cousins are here!

Mac and Jonathan are visiting. They play with Jailin all day long and have been so good to her. We are so glad that they have finally met. Jailin is of course, in love with them both.

Just in time for the Easter bunny.

Hanging out with the boys.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A trip to the zoo

What a wonderful spring day in Chicago. We thought we were going to wake up to snow, but got this sunny day instead so off to the zoo with Mason.

How cool is this, a brontosaurus at the zoo.

Hey, wait a minute... a dinosaur? Quick, run for your life!

I'm just kidding, I'm not afraid of dinosaurs.

I kind of think this one is cute.

No, maybe I like this one better.

Nope, I made up my mind and I want to take this one home and I won't take "no" for an answer.

Aww Mom, you ruin EVERYTHING!

I know, I'll ask Uncle Andy.

O.K, I didn't get a dinosaur, but I did get something, grapes. Uh, is that mine or yours on the ground?

I love going to the zoo.

Our first glimpse

Our first glimpse
We received her picture on 8/3/07. Our agency called us the day before with basic information about her, but we were so excited to finally see her face!

Watch Jailin Grow...

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker